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CTI for Microsoft Dynamics with LinkThat Cube

Our CTI solution link|that Cube and its Softphone are available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 now. The advantages for users remain the same: Customer data is visible in CRM before answering calls, the queues and presence status of all colleagues are easily accessible with one click, Auto-Complete and Click-2-Call are supported when dialing and forwarding.

Additionally, a Case Transfer provides the ability to send open cases (and similar records) as an attachment to colleagues while transferring a customer”s call.

In this video, we demonstrate the link|that-Cube integration with different telephony solutions:

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Connect people, products, and data with Microsoft Dynamics 365 – a collection of business applications that help transform the way you do business. All information can be found at


Picture of Harald Kerschhofer

Harald Kerschhofer

Harald was one of the first developers at LinkThat and has been producing creative content for and about our products since completing his media studies.

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