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The roadshow continues: On February 26

The next stop of the “United for Success” roadshow will take place at the end of February in Berlin. So it’s best to keep the date free.

Save the Date: February 26th, 2024

After the successful event in the SAP Arena in Mannheim, we will be on the road again in February together with WTG communication and Five9. Empolis will also be there as an additional partner.

The Olympiastadion in Germany’s capital has has been chosen as location. The keynote speakers and star guests will be announced in the next few days. Registration will then also open, which we will of course inform you about here in the blog and via newsletter.

The CCW congress trade fair starts the following day at the ECC in Berlin – which can of course be ideally combined. Save the date & be there!

Picture of Harald Kerschhofer

Harald Kerschhofer

Harald was one of the first developers at LinkThat and has been producing creative content for and about our products since completing his media studies.

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