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Watch the LinkThat ONE preview

Missed the exclusive preview of LinkThat ONE?

On April 24, we provided the first insights into our new platform for automation in customer service.

As part of a live event, a practical case was used to demonstrate how ONE elegantly masters daily challenges in customer communication.

Real success, real innovation:

An omni-channel journey with LinkThat ONE


For anyone who missed our event, the recording of the LinkThat ONE live demo is now available.

Please note that the recording is only available in German.

We would be happy to hear any questions or feedback:!

Picture of Bettina Zambo

Bettina Zambo

Since studying communications Bettina is working in media und produces content at LinkThat: written and spoken.

Do you want to find out more?

LinkThat ONE Live-Preview

Der exklusive Einblick in die Entwicklung von LinkThat ONE, unserer neuen
Kundenservice-Plattform. Erlebe, wie unsere Tools auf allen Kanälen zusammenspielen
und wie sie damit eine perfekte Customer & Agent Experience möglich machen.